Sunday 22 January 2012

Book in the Mail

Hmm...I've just had my daily nap and I feel better.  Friday, Saturday and today (Sunday) have been good days.  I feel 80% and the queasiness has subsided.  A friend of mine who has just recovered from Ovarian Cancer and has returned to work alongside me just as I exited work last week, reminded me to exercise.  It helps with the nausea.  I did a light cardio stint the last two days and I feel good.  Thanks Sarah!

On Friday, I got a book in the mail from a motorcycle friend.  Thanks Tony!! 

Recommended Cancer reading from Tony

Tony Hendricks was diagnosed with Leukemia a few months before I got a diagnosis.  I know Tony and his wife Lynda through a BMW motorcycle street riding course that I used to help teach at  the Calabogie racetrack.  Great people in their early fifties that have been affected by Tony's cancer developments.  At any rate, Tony is on the mend and is having a bone marrow transplant on Jan 26th.  I bumped into Lynda in the cancer parking lot a few days ago and she was telling me that transplant recipients are not allowed to live beyond a certain radius of the hospital.  Since they live in Perth (about 90 kms from the hospital), they have had to rent an apartment in Ottawa.  She admits it did take two hours to get to the hospital from Perth a couple of days ago in the snowstorm. 

That sucks but she pointed out the bright side that they rented a place by the canal so they hope to enjoy the area for the next year as Tony recovers from the operation.  Good luck Tony and thanks for the book!   If you liked it as much as you say, I'm sure I'll love it.


  1. Glad you're feeling better Pat!

    Also, thank you for sharing this blog with us. Sending good vibes!

    BTW -> your 2 daughters are so cute! Keep us posted!

  2. Brian Robitaille24 January 2012 at 14:42

    Shiree and I read the book years ago and loved it (we read it because of the cycling connection). If you enjoy it, we can lend you another book he wrote "Every second counts". An then another book of him (not by him) called "Lance Armstrong's war".
