Tuesday 29 May 2012

Chemo Sucks

Tonight, for the first time in over six weeks since my surgery, I sat at the kitchen table and ate supper with my family.  I used a cushion for the hard wooden chair.  Ever since I got out of the hospital, I've been eating my meals in a lazy-boy or couch in the next room. 

I've also emerged from my chemo fog today.  On Thursday I spent just over two hours in the hospital being injected with chemicals and then they sent me home with a different chemical bottle on my hip which is piped into my PICC line.  The bottle was removed on Saturday and emptied right to the 46 hour mark. 

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday were hard days.  Tuesday, I emerged from the side effects but I was very groggy.  This morning I was feeling good enough to go for a slow 2 km walk with Erinn and Maggie.  I had to lean on Erinn for most of the walk but I didn't need to nap today whereas yesterday I spent most of the day in bed. 

I still feel tired but I'm okay if I lie down and read.  I'll post more on the chemo later.  Here's to a better day tomorrow!


  1. Hang in there, Pat. We're thinking of you.

    John, Resa & Henry

  2. We think of you often and hope to see you soon!!!! God Bless, Katie

  3. PAt
    You are tough - hang in there and let us know if you need anything..Elizabeth

  4. Hey Pat,
    You're being super strong! Keep up the good spirits! My thoughts are with you!

    Take care!
