Tuesday 17 April 2012

Day 6 7am

I think I ate my supper too quickly last night. The cooked carrots were delicious but I ate them too quickly. Or maybe I ate the second helping of ice cream too quickly. Either way, my tummy was queasy and I had a rotten five hours worth of sleep.

When the IV was finally removed from my arm, the tape in that
area hurt like hell.  I'd say more painful than having tape removed
from my front pelvic area which happened daily.

I am walking, however.  I thought I'd feel better brushing my teeth at an actual sink so Nurse Eva loaded up my IV pole with accessories and spent five minutes untangling me and off I went---ten steps to my private bathroom.  It felt great.  I walked down the short hall then returned to my room to read the paper standing up.  Elapsed standing time was 45 mins and no dizziness.  I have turned the corner.

I'm going to ask my surgeon this morning if I can go fully wireless, or hoseless.


  1. Hey Pat
    Fully wireless was our work objective at one time. I am sure you will achieve it personally in much faster time. See if you can get some of the shower caps for the sail boat :-)

  2. Pat, now that you are walking, somewhere down the hall you will find a small room that's like a kitchen. It usually has a table, stainless steel counter and fridge. In the fridge you will find all the red colored juice you can drink. It is good so keep the catheter in for a bit longer. If the special room is still there I'll take a catheter too and we can visit the special room for a few hours and not have to leave. Mike.

  3. Hi Pat,
    Great news on your great progress!
